
Dermaplaning is recommended to treat dry, rough skin, acne scars, uneven skin tone, large pores, and fine lines…even unwanted facial hair. Dermaplaning is a safe, effective treatment for overall skin rejuvenation. It can produce a smoother skin texture and a clearer complexion, while minimizing fine lines and minor scars. Since the Dermaplaning dermatome is a sharp blade, unwanted peach fuzz or whiskers may also be eliminated during treatment. In this manner, Dermaplaning offers a rare combination of skin rejuvenation and facial hair removal benefits. Acne scars and minor wrinkles can be minimized with Dermaplaning as the dermatome blade removes damaged epidermal skin. Since Dermaplaning removes dead skin more swiftly and cleanly than the natural shedding process allows, it can also trigger speedier skin cell turnover.